Meshaun Journeys | Sri Lanka Holidays & Tours

Important Sri Lanka Visa Update on 03 September 2024

September 3, 2024

All you need to know about Sri Lanka Visa update in September 2024

Sri Lanka and the Visa update has been a total newsmaker for 2024.

Here is the List of 38 Nationalities with Visa-Free Access to Sri Lanka with Immediate Effect (03rd September 2024)

  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. Bahrain
  4. Belarus
  5. Belgium
  6. Canada
  7. China
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Denmark
  10. France
  11. Germany
  12. India
  13. Indonesia
  14. Iran
  15. Israel
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kazakhstan
  19. Malaysia
  20. Maldives
  21. Netherlands
  22. Nepal
  23. New Zealand
  24. Oman
  25. Poland
  26. Qatar
  27. Russia
  28. Saudi Arabia
  29. Seychelles
  30. Singapore
  31. South Korea
  32. Spain
  33. Sweden
  34. Switzerland
  35. Thailand
  36. UAE (United Arab Emirates)
  37. United Kingdom,
  38. United States

Minister Ali Sabry’s Official Sri Lanka Visa Update:

Minister Ali Sabry on the Visa Update to Sri Lanka
Minister Ali Sabry on the Visa Update to Sri Lanka

Today, the Cabinet authorized the President to implement visa-free access for 38 nationalities with immediate effect, adopting Singapore’s streamlined ‘one-chop’ approach. This decision will help ease congestion at visa counters.

Ex-Tourism Minister Harin Fernando’s Update:

Ex-Tourism Minister Harin Fernando's Update on the situation
Ex-Tourism Minister Harin Fernando’s Update on the situation

Today cabinet approved one chop system like in Singapore for the 38 countries with visa free to start with immediate effect , also have given president full authority to execute the operation, this will definitely help ease the congestion currently face by tourist.

So this new Visa scheme of free Sri Lanka visa for how long?

This is uncertain.

The previous announcement in August 2024 was that this scheme of Free-Visa was for 06 months. Maybe with the Immigration queues getting longer for Sri Lanka Visa, the government tried to ease the situation with the One Chop Approach.

This way, after checking the official documents such as the Passport and related, the Immigration Officer at the Colombo’s Airport Immigration counter will Seal the Passport with One Chop Seal to make it quick and easy for the tourists.

For the rest of the Nationalities (apart from the 38 Nationalities), the same USD 50.00 Sri Lanka Visa on Arrival still applies.

Sri Lanka Visa website?

As of 03rd September 2024, the official Sri Lanka Visa website is down. You can refer the posts below to find more information on that.

Still not clear on the sri Lanka visa?

Connect with Meshaun Journeys via the WhatsApp Button or send us an email from the Contact Page.

We will help you understand the new Visa process and make it easier to Travel to Sri Lanka under the Tourist Visa.