Meshaun Journeys | Sri Lanka Holidays & Tours


A small town area but with many interesting locations around the Kithugala town. Movie locations, rafting experiences, historical value all combined.

Places to Visit:

White Water Rafting

white water rafting in kithulgala sri lanka

Sri Lanka's most famous location for White Water Rafting is undoubtely Kithulgala. Easy access from Colombo within 2 hours of a drive, this location gives Major and Minor Rapids the perfect Rafting experience in Sri Lanka. Compared to other destinations, Kithulgala rafting is suitable for beginners as well.

Belilena Cave

belilena in kithulgala

The Belilena Cave, significant for its prehistoric archaeological findings, offers a glimpse into the lives of early humans who inhabited the area around 32,000 years ago. The cave, accessible via a scenic trek, houses evidence of ancient communities, including fossilized remains and tools, making it a fascinating visit for history enthusiasts.

Bridge on the River Kwai

bridge on the river kwai kithulgala

The location where "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was filmed is a historic and cinematic landmark in Kitulgala. This iconic site draws visitors keen on exploring the setting of the famous movie, blending historical intrigue with the natural beauty of the area's landscapes.The bridge that was built for the movie purposes was then destroyed in the movie scene as they blew up the bridge in that scene. However, some remnants of that bridge (iron locks) still are intact.

When to visit:

Kithulgala is a year-round destination. Even though the water levels of the Kelani River might increase/decrease on some days, the experiences from Kithulgala still are possible.


Kithulgala, nestled in the wet zone of Sri Lanka, experiences a tropical rainforest climate, making it one of the wettest places in the country. The average temperature throughout the year ranges from 24°C to 30°C, offering a warm and humid environment. Rainfall is significant and evenly distributed across all months, with the highest rainfall typically observed from April to June and from October to November.

Where to Stay:

Recommended list of Hotels for your stay. Contact MESHAUN Journeys to discounted/promotional prices for the hotels.

Cinnamon Bentota Beach

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Centara ceysands Resort & Spa

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Thaala Bentota Resort

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